Sunday, 8 May 2011

The more I think about it the more confused I become...

... may be it's not the Canadian woman -may be she is just a smoke screen.  The reason I know about her is that I woke up in bed at the beginning of this year after LOVE OF MY LIFE told me no longer wanted me and hadn't wanted me for years - he'd just been pretending and could see that he was tweeting. He didn't realise that I was awake so I looked carefully and I saw him tweet to the Canadian one - Can I tell you I want to be with you?  I just don't understand though.  It easy to say oh in love with a women in Canada but you don't need to worry as the distance means I'm staying here.  But you know - may be there was an attraction there with the Canada one but this other twitter/£85 phone call women (in England somewhere close to where he works) I still think there is more than just friends..  I mean you don't phone your 'friend' everyday on the way to work, for an hour every lunch time, and on the way home everyday from work.  And you don't phone your 'friend' for an hour when you have just arrived for the family Christmas holiday.  Or meet up with them on the drive home having sent your wife and children off to shop so you can meet this person alone.  And she is supposed to be happily married and happy for me to call her for her to explain to me that the £85 in phone bills is all innocent.  Of course if she is his 'friend' she'll say whatever needs to be said to shut me up, especially if her husband is blissfully unaware of that his wife is having lengthy phone calls with a male 'friend'.  Funny how it always seems to be in work hours almost like doing it when the husband won't find out.  And then there is that poem the LOVE OF MY LIFE wrote. He says the poems are made up but sorry that's just not him.  The poems come out of him, what he is thinking and feeling and I am a mug to believe that they are just stories inspired by the radio?  He did a poem about loving someone but them being with their husband and he should be here and she should be there even though he loves her.  If I find out her husband's name beginning with A then I'll know as there were two letters mentioned and one of them was A and one of them was the inital of the LOVE OF MY LIFE but very cleverly used in the poem which is just like him.  It's all very sad.  How does he expect me to love and understand him if he won't talk to me?  It is so easy to talk to a stranger on Twitter - you can reveal what you want and if you don't click then you just block them.  Having that ability to talk really honestly to someone gives you very good foundations on which to build a very good relationship.  I'm just the wife, I never got that opportunity and I never will get that opportunity.  It is just so unfair.  So those of you out there building relationships on Twitter make sure you're not neglecting your other half at home because given half the chance they might have been your best friend too, the one who understands you more than anyone else.

Oh, yes and he spent lunchtime telling our eldest one all about this women.  Well what does that tell you?

update - OMG I have just googled her to see if I can find out the name of her husband.  And she is the one - she has her picture but you have to put it together as a jigsaw and I remember the LOVE OF MY LIFE and me putting the jigsaw together together - oh, if only I had known then what it would lead to.  Just looked to see if there are any comments from him and there are - this was 11 months ago - 'Lovely idea, lovely picture, lovely you.' I am one hell of a fool aren't I!!!!

Just changed my google search directly on her website and there is a post about her marrying the love of her life nine years ago and she ends the post - Happy Anniversary, A x

Well that's a coincidence isn't it - only funnily enough the LOVE OF MY LIFE always says - there is no such thing as coincidence.  I rest my case.  :-(

Bet she is having a right old laugh at me. Maybe I should follow her blog - wonder if she'd recognise herself?  Only I'm not like that, maybe I need to learn to be.:-((

So much for early nights and getting some much needed sleep.

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