Saturday, 7 May 2011

In the same bubble...

I have been at it again searching for a new blog to follow today.  The fourth bubble pop (on wefeelfine) took me here - Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

So many similarities with my situation except that THE LOVE OF MY LIFE has only gone off mentally, not physically.  But her words 'he still loves me but is not 'in love' with me' is EXACTLY what THE LOVE OF MY LIFE told me at the beginning of this year. 

Proves the point that you are never alone and you are never the only one going through stuff.  This blogging idea is wonderful because it helps you see this quite clearly and that gives you some kind of support and strength.

Well done to all you bloggers out there sharing your thoughts and feelings - you are probably helping many, many people.  Keep at it.


  1. Hi there. Thanks for posting on my blog it means so much to me to know that someone out there has some idea of what it is like. I started blogging to try and get some of my feelings down as I didn't feel like I could burden my friends with it plus they can't be there 24/7. I'm hoping for you that you can work through your situation and get an outcome that is right and good for you xx

  2. Hi, Slava

    Thank you, x. Your blog had me in tears last night - I really feel for what you are going through. I hope you can find some peace. (As an outsider looking in I hope he comes to his senses but even if he did I doubt it would ever be the same again. There again my colleague found things were much better afterwards. So maybe there is hope.

    Just take one day at a time and try and get some sleep. I'm here if you want to rant.

    Best Wishes
