Wednesday, 4 May 2011

I Feel, You Feel, They Feel, We all Feel - check out the Feelings

Anyone come across this website before? -

I've been looking at the blogger stats again (!) and it shows the 'Traffic Sources' and the above one stood out.  So I had a little look, cautiously, as I am always wary of unknown links and it is crazy.  Little bubbles moving around the screen and they are all feelings being posted by people.  Hundreds of them all different colours, shapes, etc.  Someone must have hit on my bubble which, I assume, had picked up a blog where I must have written - I Feel or some such wording.

I clicked on some of the bubbles - the square ones bring up pictures and well as quotes.  When I clicked on the source of the quote it took me to a blogger page.  I have been wanting to discover other blogs of interest but there doesn't seem to be a good way to do it.  This, WeFeelFine, seems to be the perfect, random, crazy solution.

Wish I had known about this site when the Royal Wedding was on (or the other news this past week) as it would have been interesting to see if there were significant feelings.  Isn't technology amazing!  And the people that create with it.  Little screen snap...hope that's okay?

Where will your bubble clicking take you?

Mine took me here - which by coincidence made me think of this blog post - Half Lie/Myth/Shielding from the Truth #5 -

Funny old world.

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