Monday, 20 February 2012

What can I do to make myself feel better?

I've caused another upset or at least that's the way it feels. All I did was say that I wanted the LOVE IF MY LIFE to take the Christmas presents around to his parents house. I put a lot of effort into the presents. The order for one went wrong and it took a lot of effort to get it put right. We have had then a while now probably a month and there is always some reason why we can't take them around. Well it had to be today otherwise I know it wouldn't be for another week and like the children said by then they'd be better as Easter Presents. So I kept my ground and insisted it had to be today. He was not at all happy. Not. at. All! He came back and not a word. I had to ask if they liked them. He asked me later if I was alright. No, not really says I. Why do I feel bad for trying to do something good. I don't like going around say he. Words were had and a bad look too. Down I went straight into the spiral. I can't lift my mood and I can't eat my food. That is unheard of with me. It's been a rocky day anyway with words with mom this morning too. I've just managed to irritate him again as he has just asked what is wrong and I said the bad look you gave me in th kitchen. I've got over it now why are you dragging it on says he? Because, I say by this time crying, why do you have to make me feel bad when I'm trying to do good? He just walked off. Which is exactly what I want to do now. The quicker I can get to bed without causing another upset the better. In the words (or not) of Garbo. I want to be alone.

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