Sunday, 12 February 2012

Jumping To Conclusions

I did it again, didn't I!  Jumping to conclusions.  Making mountains out of molehills.  Adding two and two and getting 26!  Woke up this morning to the question, 'are you okay with me?'.  No says I.  I am really trying with the honesty stuff - good job really.  I said what did you drink yesterday?  'Cider' says the LOVE OF MY LIFE.  I ask the question again.  'What did you drink yesterday?'.  'Cider' says the LOVE OF MY LIFE. Silence. We had risotto yesterday didn't we which needs wine says I.  Then it came out - he had had a little bit of wine but most of it had gone in the risotto.  He told me yet again that he had worked out what he could have so he would be okay to drive as he never, ever wanted to go through that again.  So it would seem I had done it again.  Jumped to the wrong conclusion.  I came downstairs this morning to see a pint of cider on the side that he hadn't finished before he fell asleep so he was okay to drive as that must have been at least 2 units.  I also told him how I felt when he drank hoping he'd fall asleep on the sofa so I could escape.  Horrible to say it but best that I am truthful.  Just need to stop all this jumping to conclusions on my journey to me discovering me!

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