Things have not been the same since Sunday. I ended up texting how I felt as I was so upset I was not able to talk about it. He had made an effort earlier with a hug here and there and I felt I had to communicate how I was feeling in some way as otherwise I'm not sure where we would have ended up. I was very truthful in my text. Maybe too truthful. Nothing was said about my text and we haven't really been the same since. We've just had another upset. I said about needing to make cakes for DD2 who has allergies as they are having cakes at school today. I didn't nag as he hates nagging. Well she had to go off to school with rice cakes instead. So I suggested that I send him hi future self (iPhone app) message so he can get a reminder and then I don't have to be made out to be a nag. What is it with men. They say they'll do something. You can see they aren't which then makes you nag otherwise it gets forgotten. If thu don't want to do it then why don't they just say - not going to happen sort it out yourself. Why???
I've just asked him to get the messages saved into the hi future self app and pissed him off. I'll do it he says. He said that last time. I hate being made to look like a nag. The only option I have is to just do it myself as he doesn't have the time or inclination. Be a different story if it was to remember a rugby match. Feel so bad today. Crying when I should be working. Really need to sort my time management out on this journey to me discovering me.