Thursday, 1 November 2012

Reality Check

Things had been fantastic.  I was even tempted to blog about it tonight.  I was getting to the point where I was getting too involved for my own good.  Focusing on the day to day was starting to fade to thinking about the future.  I'd stopped worrying so much about the tweets to that woman too.  I had even thought of putting my wedding ring back on!  I never EVER thought I would consider doing that.  That lead on to me thinking the saying is true - Never Say Never.  Nothing stays the same and you never know what you might consider doing once time moves on.  It's been scary getting so involved again because what am I going to do if I don't at least keep something back.  Something that might save me a lot of heart ache if it all goes pear shaped again.  Well tonight I got my reality check.  He was struggling with his computer and I got up to give him a hug but he assumed I was going to offer to help him and he took my head off.  That was all I needed.  Brought back to my senses.  Defences back in place. Back to focusing on me and my journey.

On a more positive note I cooked tea tonight.  I did pork in the cider and cream sauce with mash potatoes, spinach and chunky cut carrots.  I am very pleased with how it came out given that it wasn't planned and I am not great at getting everything to arrive at the plate at the same time.  So that's another success on the road to me discovering me.

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