Wednesday, 4 January 2012

An update...

After all the upset I was feeling very depressed and was worried that if I didn't shift the depression it would have an even more detrimental affect on my relationship with the LOVE OF MY LIFE.  He had asked me if I knew how to be happy. I have thought about this often before so I was able to answer immediately that I don't think I do. What is happiness?  Well typical me I figured I may as well just google it. That lead me to this website reading the page and comments was useful and reminded me of an old blog post of mine about it being a decision to be happy or sad.  That made me feel that I could feel happier and less depressed if I wanted too. I just had to decide to be one or the other.  I also received some coaching from a very special person I 'met' through this blog and that has really helped me to understand what I need to do to feel better myself which will hopefully have a positive effect on my relationship with the LOVE OF MY LIFE.  It might not solve all the problems but if I feel better then I may be stronger when negative things happen.  The coaching has also help me to remain focused on the task at hand.  Thank you Slava x  I also brought a diary in an attempt to be more organised. I am writing down a few realistic aims for the day and then ticking them off and recording any other achievements. I am also recording my overall feeling for the day and what was positive and what was negative. So far it is working. Yesterday I manage to declutter part of our bedroom and have time for a face sauna, face mask and foot spa.   Hopefully I am now making some progress towards Me Discovering Me. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow what a positive post and thanks for the nice comment :-) I'm so happy that you are feeling good in some part . You know that makes me feel good too - so thank you xx
