Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Thought for tonight

Thought I'd try a new approach before I turn the light out for the night. I don't seem to be blogging or concentrating on the goal so I hope this idea will pull it back a little. I've grabbed one of my self help books off the shelf and given the pages a quick flick. This one really hit me today as I tried to have a little tidy up (read throw out/ shred) to try and get on top of things. And what book and page did I turn to tonight?

The Rules Of Life page 80-81
Headed - Prune Your Stuff Frequently
Boxed text - Clutter overwhelms you emotionally and gets more and more cobwebby.

I wish I could copy the whole piece out because it just so fits in with today.

Let's all think of William Morris who said that you shouldn't have anything in your house that isn't beautiful and useful. When we wake up in the morning let's take a look at our lives through William Morris' ideals.

Nite nite

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