Monday, 1 August 2016

It must be true - time flies when you are having fun...

I can't believe how long it has been since I added a blog post.  Things must have been going well.  Well on the relationship front they are better than they have ever been.  Not perfect but then what is!  We are so much closer now than we ever were (even in the beginning) which can be clearly seen by my lack of blog posts. I only ever felt the need to post when things between us weren't going so well.

So why am I back now.  

I have just filled out a survey about Mutu Mamas and I had checked on my blog to see what comments I had put about the Tupler Technique and that's when I saw how long it had been since I last posted.

So where am I now?  This is what I put a the top of the blog all those years ago.

Why? Quite simply... because I haven't got a clue who I am. Time is moving on fast and it is about time I worked out who I am, what my priorities are, and what I want my life to represent. If you had to write your own obituary today - what would you write and would it please you?

Worryingly, despite how good things are relationship wise, I am not sure what has changed for the above statement.  I think I have a little bit more of a clue about who I am but I still haven't worked out my priorities. In fact that is something that I am really struggling with.   

I have joined audible and I am currently on my second run of listening to

It's a bit different but I do think there are some valuable takeaways and things for me to think about.

'You're never upset for the reason you think' - I haven't got my head around this one yet.

'Don't take your thoughts too seriously. They are only thoughts.'  - yes this is one I need to listen to.

'Refuse to be driven mad by the world' - absolutely need to listen to this.

'Nothing in this world matters absolutely' - I do need to learn to keep things in perspective.

'Allow this moment to be as it is' - it is what it is - I do need to learn to sit back and allow space between myself and whatever is going on so I don't get dragged into the drama of it all.

He suggests practising the ability to do small tasks, like picking up a cup and moving it, without the interference of thought.  One conscious breath at a time and try and do 50 per day.

I think, given my poor memory, that I should make little notes like this on the blog so that I can remind myself of what I have listened to or read.   I was quite surprised at the detail in my Tupler Technique post and found it very useful being able to go back to it and look at what I thought at the time.

Well it is about time I got back to documenting the journey of me discovering me.

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