Friday, 1 March 2013

Me and my big mouth or why bother having a blog if you end up talkingto your OH

Well I spilled my heart out to my OH last night. Tears and all. I ended up saying how much it hurt not to be 'the one' and that I thought he should have been braver and gone to be with the love of his life instead of settling for us. I don't know what I was thinking of. It's not like I haven't got the blog to pour my heart out to, is it? I've really upset him now as he says he loves me and wants to be with me. The trouble is he never says she is not the one. He did say it was all blarblarblar. In fact he has said before that it was 'just what blokes say to get a shag' but I have to put that to one side as that raises even more issues and questions which are not going to make things better at all. Quite the opposite! So whilst things can be really good between us it still feels like he is settling for second best. And that's not fair on me either. He should have said something years ago when we first got together that he had made a mistake and I wasn't the person he wanted and then he should have hung out till he found 'the one'. By him settling for second best it's like I don't count. But he sees it as me dismissing his love. Why can't I explain myself properly. Isn't that, if he is willing to settle for second best then I am being made to settle for second best too? Maybe he thinks I can't do any better and he feels sorry for me? But one thing I have learnt through this whole process is that I am a really nice person. I know nice people don't get anywhere in life but you know what...I'd rather be me than some of the almost nasty vindictive people I seem to hear about who do all sorts of things when they find out the bloke they are with doesn't want to know anymore. I guess I need to try and bury my feelings and just take each day as it comes. I suppose, more importantly, I need to focus hard on me discovering. me. I have been making some progress but I'll leave that for another blog post. Oh and pinch punch, by the way, first of the month (and no returns). X


  1. Hi MDM

    It's been a while since I last commented. It doesn't seem like things have really got better for you. Is this really what you want in life and are prepared to continue putting up with ? I'm probably not the best person to comment as if my husband hadn't left I would still be with him but that's not going to happen so I have decided its probably time to decide what I want from life and go for it. Maybe you should do the same ? Take care x

  2. Hello, Hertspoppy

    What a pair we are! We certainly ended up with the wrong men. :-(

    I've often wondered what would have happened if I had been in your shoes instead of mine. Would I have had the opportunity to pull myself up and realise that I can walk away, I can cope without him or would the devastation have sunk in? I honestly don't know.

    I know I can cope and there have been times when yes, by god, I could easily walk away and be strong but he won't go.

    So I'm stuck in this no man's land.

    I hope life is being kind to you and that you have found happiness.

    Xx MSN xX
