Sunday, 23 December 2012

Tupler Technique Confession

I received a comment asking for an update. Well as anyone following the blog might have predicted I didn't keep up with the Tupler Technique despite being convinced that the technique could help me. I'm still 2 inches less than I was so that is very pleasing. I think the reason I stopped is that I had got to the point where I had to do the exercises lying down. I couldn't figure out how to do this when I was at work. Which is a bit of a cop out as I do work from home 2, 3, sometimes 4 days a week. But I'm just not organised enough to find the time morning, noon and night but I have to. I am going to attempt to start again and use the new year as the motivation. One thing I have always done though is wore the splint or one of those Velcro belts 24/7 and I'm always very careful to hold everything when I sneeze, etc. Still, sometimes I am not quick enough and the pain that rips through my stomach is incredible and it's got to be like Julie Tupler says - it's ripping the tissue. I don't think I can do without the splint as it just holds all my organs in and I feel very uncomfortable when I take it off. I definitely need the support and I must start the exercises again so I can make progress on the physical road to me discovering me.

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