Monday, 18 June 2012

My week in recipes

Only one recipe this week (from the Good Food website as normal) pork chops with cider, cream & spinach. It had a four star rating and I think the instructions could have been a little clearer as my timings were a bit out. However, it was yummy and has plenty of potential. I will certainly make it again but will consider using a different brand of cider; one with a much stronger flavour. I will also reduce the sauce a bit more. I added creamy mash potato to it and in hindsight I should have done some long sliced carrots. The sauce should work well with chicken as well but with some fresh tarragon added too.

All in all though I am very pleased and THE LOVE OF MY LIFE enjoyed it too. Win win.

Here are some pictures.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

What do you think?

What's worse? 

Not knowing what I have done wrong...


no longer needing to know what I have done wrong as it won't make any difference any way?  

After all no matter what I do I'll never do it right as I am not, nor never will I be, her.

I am ME.  Probably not the real me at the moment as if I was I wouldn't be blogging about me discovering me would I?  I don't think I am a bad person.  I don't feel hate or dislike towards anyone any more.  That just takes up too much energy, energy I do not have and it only ends up damaging yourself.  I'm not a vindictive person or one that demands anything from anybody.  I am a good person - cut my heart and you will find goodness of that I am pretty sure.  May be it is because I feel things so intently, I feel other people's pain so badly it can make me cry and my heart burn.  And because I can feel it so vividly, and physically, I am not going to want to cause anyone pain.  I feel I am causing pain right now by just existing and I don't know what to do to stop that pain I seem to be causing.  If I killed my self I would cause pain to other people.  I can't see a way out.   I'm a little bit messed up, muddled even, a bit like a candle in the wind really is the only way to describe me.  I thought I had found that person to cling to, the one who could save me, but it was all just an illusion.  If you have never had something you can't miss it but I guess once you have had something even if it was just an illusion it really knocks you when you find out it is no longer there, no longer real. It makes you doubt so much, so many things.  Makes everything very fluid.  I suppose being a Gemini that should suit me.  When you're fluttering around like a butterfly you don't need everything to be solid and sure, do you?  But I haven't been a butterfly for a very long time.  Was I happier then? I think I am growing up a lot. I know I just said I don't want anything off anyone but may be I do.  Maybe I don't want to be shouted out, or made to feel like the best thing I could do was to stop breathing.  If that is the way you feel about me wouldn't it be kinder just to not be near me?  I'm not going to cling, my time of clinging died 17 or 18 years ago and if it wasn't dead in that time it most certainly is now.  I no longer wear my wedding ring, I no longer feel married.  It jolts me when I get called wife as I can't feel it.  I guess it is only to be expected after everything that happened in the last year and a half.  I thought it was going to be a forever thing, maybe I just grew up and learned that fairy tales aren't real.  But even if the Happy Ever After ending doesn't exist can we at least have a peaceful ending?   Another step I guess to me discovering me.

UPDATE - I did it again didn't I!  I have over reacted again.  Always the end of the world with me! :-( We are fine again today.  It's all so damned confusing.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

My week with the Tupler Technique

A very, very belated post.  

One of the areas that I had long wanted to deal with was my tummy. 

I had always been skinny as a child and young adult; so much so that I used to get a lot of stick for being so thin and was often told I needed to eat. I found that rather annoying and distressing since I ate like a pig.  If I went to McDonalds I would always have three big macs.  If I had a kebab after a nightclub I would always have three (my friends would never let me go back for more).  If the caretaker at work went out for sandwiches for lunch I would always have three of the BEST (bacon, egg, sausage and tomato).  And yet I just couldn't put weight on. I guess I was just too busy working two jobs. 

Years later I started a job where I spent the day sitting down and for the first time I put on a bit of weight. I then had two children and put on, probably, about three stone. I didn't mind filling out in my legs as they looked better with more meat on them but it was my stomach that upset me.  I always looked pregnant. 

After the natural birth of my first child I was told by the health worker that I was four finger spaces and that I should not do any exercise for fear of causing more damage to my muscles. No other explanation or help was given. After the Caesarian birth of my second child I was told I should have been sent for physio after the birth of my first but because I'd had a Caesarian birth no help was given.  

Years later I went to the doctors but she didn't know what I had although the student doctor sitting in on the session did. She was rather embarrassed, I think, to admit she knew what the doctor didn't but it didn't help me get the support I needed and should have had.  

Then I started searching google and quickly worked out I had diastasis recti and from what I could gather an operation was the only way to fix it. At the same time I came across a technique that seemed to help but I was skeptical. Why were people (and insurance companies in the USA) opting for operations if it could be fixed by exercise?  So I parked it. I then had some difficulties last year (as those that follow the blog will know).  I managed to lose almost a stone (I've put it back on since feeling happier) but my stomach still looked pregnant.  I'd lose the weight from the boobs and legs and nothing would make my stomach look smaller. 

So back to the Internet I went and started searching the Tupler Technique again.  And to Amazon and the reviews of the book.  With mainly good results and a couple not so positive.  From these reviews it seemed there was a chance this technique could solve my problem. It was also endorsed by a model.  I don't take any notice of endorsement usually but I felt this endorsement was true as it didn't seem the type of thing that a model would seek out to promote unless they felt they had personally benefited. 

So I gave it a try. As I am in the UK I placed my order via the tummy tribe website which are the licensed dealers of the Tupler Technique in the UK. Their story is also interesting in that one of them had used the technique themselves and the sister was so impressed with the result that she ended up training with Julie Tupler. That in itself is a pretty good endorsement. 

My order arrived. A splint, a DVD and the record book. I wore the splint for the weekend to get used to it and without doing the exercises as the record book starts on a Monday so I figured I'd wait till then. 

The record book uses some technical jargon and I wonder if the people that don't get on so well with the technique don't because the instructions and information could be a bit clearer. 

I went through some of the exercises in the DVD to practice and understand what I needed to do. 

There are a number of improvements that I would recommend if Julie Tupler (the developer of the technique) was reading this blog but I'll come on to that later. 

Well, Julie, in her DVD, makes it very clear that it can take a year to fix but that some people have reported good results after three weeks. 

Well I did the measurements for week one and started to do the exercises. I am not sure I got the exercises totally right but it was good to be doing something three times a day in the hope of tackling something that has caused me distress for TEN years.  Before you start you have to work out how bad the diastasis recti is.  When I tried to work out what the distance was I thought it was 8 finger spaces as I couldn't feel muscle. When the LOVE OF MY LIFE tried to help me measure he thought it was 2 finger spaces but I think that was when my head was too far off the ground.   I do know that I was 4 finger spaces 10 years ago and given that I have been doing all the things you shouldn't with diastasis I can only assume it is worse that 4 now. 

Anyway, I don't know about one year or the results after three weeks - I got visible, obvious, in your face, results after FOUR DAYS!!! Truly shocking and unbelievable. I'd resigned myself to it taking over a year. I don't think it is just wishful thinking as the children have comment on how different my stomach looks.  I know you are not supposed to measure until 3 weeks but I had to as there was such a visible difference I just had to measure.  My waist has gone down by 1.5 inches. I can now look down without seeing my tummy. The difference that it has made to how I feel about myself is too incredible to describe. I am looking forward to seeing what happens in the long term.

As for the improvements I mentioned earlier, the first thing I would suggest to Julie if I could talk to her directly is that there needs to be an app developed. The Tupler technique is perfect for an app for iPhone, iPad, and android set up. 
  • The DVD of exercises would be perfect on the iPhone as you would always have the exercises with you so you can work on your technique.  This I feel is really important. 
  • The record book could be part of the app so that you can record when you have done the exercises. 
  • You could also have reminders as part of the app to prompt you when you haven't recorded your exercises. 
  • You could have some sort of forum for getting moral support from others using the technique.
  • And a place to purchase another splint or other items to support you.  
  • The splints should be provided in packs of two as with having to wear it all the time day and night you do need a wash and wear. 

All in all I am amazed with the results and am looking forward to a positive future. It also great feeling in control of my recovery on the road to me discovering me. 

PS I am late updating the blog as I have been away on holiday to Spain.  I was not disciplined enough to do the exercises and didn't want to wear the splint over my bathing costume for the week I was away.  I wore the splint intermittently and always at bed time.  However, despite not keeping up with the program I am still one inch smaller than I was so the cost to me has only been half an inch. I am going to start the programme from scratch again on Monday so I am hoping to get back on track and see continuous improvements as the weeks go on.  It looks like the tupler technique website has been updated so have a look at some of the before and after pictures.

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