Friday, 6 April 2012


I worked my socks off over the past month so I could enjoy the Easter holidays. But no I am on the sofa trying and failing to get some sleep. What did I do this time? Well the Love Of My Life was not happy, or should I say was rather angry, with something that happened in the house this evening and I, like a fool, played Devil's advocate. That ended with a 'right, that's all good then' or some such thing and I didn't get spoken to again. So I figured I may as well sleep on the sofa. Only I can't sleep can I.  I'm not crying or anything. Maybe I'm too tired or I've got to the point where no matter what I'm never going to be good enough; or say or do the right things. Always, always the second class citizen in all the walks of my life. And that's not self pity there, that's just simply, unemotionally, stating a fact.